
The Time is Now: Delivering on the SDG Agenda

  There’s no way around feelings of euphoria today.   World Leaders at the United Nations are ringing in a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that promise to end extreme poverty and the scourge of hunger and preventable deaths of infants and children around the world.   At the same time, the Pope […]

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For Babies In Big Cities, It’s Survival Of The Richest

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post I will never forget the moment when I looked out the car window at a bustling, steamy intersection in the heart of Manila, and locked eyes with a young woman. She was holding a tiny baby while begging in the street.   I glanced down at my […]

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Where Health and Education Meet, Children Win

The following blog first appeared on The World Bank.   Every mom wants a healthy baby. And in the early days of a child’s life, parents and doctors understandably focus on how the baby’s physical development—is she gaining weight? Is he developing reflexes? Are they hitting all of the milestones of a healthy and thriving child? […]

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The World’s Ebola Crisis: Disastrous for Mothers and Daughters

In the course of a regular day with my 13 year-old daughter, I check in on how her day went and tell her I love her.  It’s pretty standard stuff for moms.  And as President and CEO of Save the Children, I’ve seen how children’s health, happiness and safety are paramount to mothers in every […]

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Inside the Heart of an Epidemic

I am not sure that in my 16 years with Save the Children that I have seen—and felt myself—such  palpable fear in a place as I did last week in Liberia.  But it is a fear that comes at you in waves, an undercurrent that runs under what looks on the surface to be the […]

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Moms are the Heroes

We’ve all heard it before in one form or another: “Don’t get between a mother and her baby,” “There is nothing better (or worse depending on your position!) than a fired up mom” or “Mothers are their kids’ best advocates. However you phrase it, I see evidence of this everywhere I go for my work […]

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No Birth Should Be Left Up to Chance

This blog first appeared in the Huffington Post   Giving birth ranks among the scariest moments for any mother. It certainly was for me. I was living in Hong Kong at the time when my second of three children was born. And he was born in a hurry. He came so fast that I actually […]

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Put the Frontline Health Worker Into the Post-2015 Framework

This post previously appeared in the Huffington Post and on the Skoll World Forum.   As world leaders gather this week to discuss the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the Post-2015 Framework, no subject of conversation will be more important than the need for more frontline health care workers. In the last two decades, […]

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A Mom’s Best Or Worst Day

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post. _______________________ Every day, thousands of women celebrate one of life’s most amazing experiences — becoming a mother. But every 30 seconds a mother’s first moments with her baby are cut short, on the very day she gives birth.   Until now, we didn’t know how common this […]

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The Real Breastfeeding Scandal

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post. _______________________   Last year, Time magazine’s “Are You Mom Enough?” cover practically shouted “Scandal! Women breastfeeding too long!”   The unforgettable image stirred up controversy and I’m sure it sold magazines. But are moms and kids any better off?   Now, imagine funneling all that outrage […]

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