Monthly Archives: February 2014

No Birth Should Be Left Up to Chance

This blog first appeared in the Huffington Post   Giving birth ranks among the scariest moments for any mother. It certainly was for me. I was living in Hong Kong at the time when my second of three children was born. And he was born in a hurry. He came so fast that I actually […]

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From the Philippines, With Love

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post. _______________________   Love. If there is a single word that best describes what I witnessed during my visit to the Philippines last week, then that’s it. Love of family. Love of community. Love of people. Love of life.   So what better day than Valentine’s Day […]

Posted in Education, Emergency Response, Foreign Travel | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off

Guatemala: Heroes against Hunger

It’s hard to reconcile the beautiful highlands of Guatemala, where I was in mid-January, with this stark fact: the child malnutrition rate here is the highest in the Western hemisphere. Roughly 5 out of every 10 Guatemalan children suffer from chronic malnutrition. All

Posted in Foreign Travel, Nutrition | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off

More than Just a Handshake: How Corporate Partners Are Rolling Up Their Sleeves and Making an Impact

This post originally appeared on’s blog. The rise of partnerships between INGOs and corporations is now an established phenomenon. It’s common knowledge that promoting relationships between business and development and relief organizations holds extraordinary value for the world’s poorest families. But when do these mash-ups really work and when are they just a lot […]

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