Monthly Archives: November 2011

Can We Talk?

Hey folks,   You’re invited to spend an evening with me this holiday season – talking together about the remarkable results for children you made possible this year and our plans for the year ahead. For example: Thanks to friends like you… … a young girl in Japan is safe, secure and back in school […]

Posted in General | 24 Comments

Do we really have to choose THIS??

As I celebrated Thanksgiving with my extended family this weekend, eating from a huge spread, sharing updates and stories and generally catching up at a big family gathering, I also thought about the many kids and families Save the Children works with all around the world and right here in the United States. I knew […]

Posted in Advocacy | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

PHOTOS: Revolution & Evolution: My Trip to Egypt – Part 3

My evening in Assiut proved to be one of the most unique and interesting parts of my visit to Upper Egypt. As it began to get dark, the streets became clogged with young people coming home and going out. We traveled to a youth center, supported by the local government, to attend a play organized […]

Posted in Education, Foreign Travel, On the Road, Photos & Videos | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment