Child Survival

Providing a Future for Millions of Syrian Children

It takes only a few hours on a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos to understand the enormity of the current refugee crisis sweeping Europe and the many dangers that refugees face, including so many mothers and children.   On one typically busy day, our Save the Children staff counted 22 small rubber dinghies […]

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The Time is Now: Delivering on the SDG Agenda

  There’s no way around feelings of euphoria today.   World Leaders at the United Nations are ringing in a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that promise to end extreme poverty and the scourge of hunger and preventable deaths of infants and children around the world.   At the same time, the Pope […]

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Stories of Motherhood from Central Africa to South East Asia

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post   Every year Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers report ranks the best and worst places in the world to be a mom, giving us a window into the shared strengths and burdens that mothers face.   All mothers carry the brightest hopes for their […]

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For Babies In Big Cities, It’s Survival Of The Richest

The following blog first appeared on The Huffington Post I will never forget the moment when I looked out the car window at a bustling, steamy intersection in the heart of Manila, and locked eyes with a young woman. She was holding a tiny baby while begging in the street.   I glanced down at my […]

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Notes from the UN and the Clinton Global Initiative: Speaking Out for Children in New York

This was a busy week for global development, as leaders from government, business and civil society came together in New York for the Clinton Global Initiative meetings and the UN General Assembly. As usual, Save the Children was there to take the opportunity to make children a central part of the agenda—and urge action on […]

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