Tag Archives: PEPFAR
Some wins for kids but so much more to do……
As I reflect back on 2011, the changes in the world and the world for children were vast, both here in the United States and around the world. Here in the US, more children are living in poverty as we begin 2012 than in the last 20 years, both as a percentage of our […]
Posted in General
Also tagged AIDs, children, early childhood development, education, global leadership, HIV, save the children
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AIDs in Africa Thirty Years On….
The AIDS epidemic reached 30 this year and though there has been a huge amount of progress here in the U.S., the story in Africa is a vastly different one. On the continent, women and children are the main victims of the disease with the fastest growth of infection rate now among women and youth. […]
Posted in Advocacy, Health
Also tagged Addis Ababa, AIDs, budget cuts, children, Ethiopia, foreign budget, HIV, orphans, save the children