Tag Archives: children
Some wins for kids but so much more to do……
As I reflect back on 2011, the changes in the world and the world for children were vast, both here in the United States and around the world. Here in the US, more children are living in poverty as we begin 2012 than in the last 20 years, both as a percentage of our […]
A Conversation With Carolyn
On Tuesday night, I had the chance to speak to more than 1,000 Save the Children supporters about our work around the world and the challenges we face in 2012. It was a great
Do we really have to choose THIS??
As I celebrated Thanksgiving with my extended family this weekend, eating from a huge spread, sharing updates and stories and generally catching up at a big family gathering, I also thought about the many kids and families Save the Children works with all around the world and right here in the United States. I knew […]
PHOTOS: Revolution & Evolution: My Trip to Egypt – Part 3
My evening in Assiut proved to be one of the most unique and interesting parts of my visit to Upper Egypt. As it began to get dark, the streets became clogged with young people coming home and going out. We traveled to a youth center, supported by the local government, to attend a play organized […]
PHOTOS: Revolution & Evolution: My Trip to Egypt – Part 2
Don’t forget to check out the first part of my trip, a visit to one of our Early Childhood Development centers. After a fun morning with the kids, I headed over to visit our maternal and newborn health program in Assiut, which was a great opportunity to see how much our programs depend on partnerships […]
Revolution & Evolution: My Trip to Egypt – Part 1
I just returned from a quick—but packed!—trip to Egypt and was struck by both the breathtaking speed of change in the country and the still-hovering sense of uncertainty. It’s as if the whole country is standing on the bank of a strong-running river, trying to decide whether to jump in and swim to the other […]
AIDs in Africa Thirty Years On….
The AIDS epidemic reached 30 this year and though there has been a huge amount of progress here in the U.S., the story in Africa is a vastly different one. On the continent, women and children are the main victims of the disease with the fastest growth of infection rate now among women and youth. […]