Harnessing the power of Technology and New Media to Save Children’s Lives
An open response to The Global Conversation Question posed by Mashable and the UN Foundation at the Social Good Summit 2012: How can new technology and new media create solutions for the biggest problems facing my community? New York, NY — If you had asked me even a few years back if the heartbeats […]
In 2011, Disasters Hit Kids Hard. Let’s Make it Better in 2012
As is almost always the case when large disasters strike, kids suffered disproportionately in 2011 in the face of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and tornadoes. While the biggest disasters were the tsunami and earthquake in Japan and the resulting nuclear reactor crisis in March, and the Horn of Africa hunger crisis that got the world’s attention […]
Some wins for kids but so much more to do……
As I reflect back on 2011, the changes in the world and the world for children were vast, both here in the United States and around the world. Here in the US, more children are living in poverty as we begin 2012 than in the last 20 years, both as a percentage of our […]
Our Kids Deserve Better
I travel all over the world with Save the Children, but I spent time earlier this week visiting some of our most important efforts anywhere—those for kids right here at home. Poverty rates here in the United States are some of the worst we have seen in decades with nearly 1 in 4 kids living […]
A Conversation With Carolyn
On Tuesday night, I had the chance to speak to more than 1,000 Save the Children supporters about our work around the world and the challenges we face in 2012. It was a great
Can We Talk?
Hey folks, You’re invited to spend an evening with me this holiday season – talking together about the remarkable results for children you made possible this year and our plans for the year ahead. For example: Thanks to friends like you… … a young girl in Japan is safe, secure and back in school […]
Inaugural Post
Welcome to the inaugural post of my blog, Logging Miles. Today, I officially stepped into my new role as President & CEO of Save the Children. It’s an extraordinary honor to lead this organization, and a great responsibility on behalf of the world’s children. One of the very first things I’m
See my Photos and Videos
Check back to see the world through my eyes. You’ll watch amazing video clips of our relief workers in action and get to meet the children and families touched by their efforts. You can also see exclusive photos of me with the children we help and their champions.