Getting Ready for BlogHer ‘12

I am incredibly excited to connect with all of the amazing women at BlogHer ‘12, an annual conference that brings women in social media together. One of the most powerful ways to deliver a message in social media is through video. That’s why I want to share this video with you, which we’ll screen at BlogHer ’12. It includes shots of multiple health workers from all over the world. I met one of them, Madalitso Masa, along with her son Patience, who lives and works in a rocky and mountainous part of Malawi where she helps prepare women for a healthy pregnancy.



Madalitso is a new mother herself, and she understands the importance of things like prenatal care and encourages expectant moms to go for regular prenatal check-ups at their local clinics. During her many home visits, Madalitso also educates mothers about good eating habits, breastfeeding and other ways they can ensure their children get a good start in life.


We need 1 million more Madalitsos in the world to ensure that the millions of people who don’t have access to the health care system still can receive the lifesaving care they need and deserve. Please tell your Member of Congress to support more frontline health workers like Madalitso today!



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