Our Response to Stephen Colbert’s Offer to Donald Trump

Hi All,


Much to our surprise, Save the Children made fake headline news yesterday when we were mentioned on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” In case you missed it, check out the video here.


And, here’s what we sent today to Mr. Colbert in response to his offer:


Dear Stephen Colbert,


Thank you for bringing kids into this year’s presidential election debate. No buts about it – $1 million dollars will create a much-needed bounce in kids’ lives. The balls are now in in Mr. Trump’s court. We hope he takes your proposition tongue-in-cheek. It will be huge if he matches your generous offer. We’re confident you’ll both strike a deal that says #Ivote4kids.




Carolyn Miles


President & CEO, Save the Children


Tune into “The Colbert Report” to see how this saga unfolds, and

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